Aion: 3.7 Patch made ​​a pleasant change to the game

Aion patch 3 7 vnes priyatnye izmeneniya v igru 109284
15 February 2013

Surely you've had time to get pleasure from a recent update 3.6 "Frimium" for this popular game of the time. Now, a team of developers MMO RPG Aion does not pull time, pleasing positive changes and presenting the gaming community once patch 3.7. It still does not name, but we supposed to know that its main feature - a new type of PvP. And it can not please fans of voynushek.

The game is now updated arena appeared patronage. You then will see the format - 3 vs 3. He is considered the most popular mode of play.

Need to effectively and powerfully to make their equipment, strengthening it? And then there is the unexpected novelty of being able to more powerful sharpening by 2-3 points at once, just something with a magic stone. Of course, the percentage of such effects will be low, because the focus be the most successful players who are lucky to find a more effective grinding circuit. In any case, the opportunity to hone Winnings equipment faster and at lower cost.

And the last. Development team as additions made change the game interface and corrected a lot of bugs and game bugs.

Source: SuperMMO


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