Changes on Mmovote

20 December 2012

I would like to tell about the changes in the portal, which happened from 12/12/12 to 12/19/12:

- Implemented the account confirmation via SMS or Vkontakte, which gives the opportunity to vote with a dynamic IP address.
- Added more countries for all types of SMS services.
- Improved protection from cheating votes.
- Now the input data (the character's name or account) are checked for uniqueness, no longer will get a promotion at one and the same account more than once in 24 hours.
- Implemented VIP accounts.
- Added rating and announcement of servers Aion.
- Now you can specify for each of the game world the script processing POST requests.

Most of these changes have been made to your requests and suggestions, we are always happy to listen, discuss and implement, because for us the most important thing - it is easy for users and administrators.


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About the project

MMOVOTE.RU - portal which includes a rating and the announcement of the popular online game servers: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2 and Aion.

Different from other weight ratings, the main:
- We do not sell the place and voice in our rating, as they are very difficult to cheat and we constantly monitor for this.
- Payout % of SMS per server to administrators.
- Instantly receive data through the vote callback script.
- We are always ready to listen to your ideas, suggestions and implement them as soon as possible.

All servers are added to our portal, from compulsory moderation.

Our rating will help you find the perfect server for a variety of criteria, such as chronicles server rates the players score, feedback on the project and place in the ratings.

In the ranking, and the announcement involves only active resources, closed or inactive resources will be removed monthly, cleaning after resetting the votes.