Game Description Battlespace (Space Battles)

Opisanie igry battlespace kosmicheskie batalii 507787
14 February 2013

The plot of this new browser-based MMORPG games will take participants to the indefinite future, when the human civilization will colonize space. I think that is an interesting background to the game will appeal to anyone who likes science fiction.

Year - 2240th. People learn about the threat of extinction. They face a terrible disaster caused by ill-conceived experiments with gravity, which destroyed the Earth's magnetic field and caused the destruction of the earth's crust. By all means the best scientists are trying to correct a terrible situation. However, the Earth is waiting for a slow death.

But ordinary people know about the true situation in the course of research data. How could this message does not provoke a wave of panic. The ground literally swept anarchy and terrible riots. Because it was almost impossible to implement the original plan for the evacuation of the population. Yet the space fleet of the planet, thanks to incredible efforts of the Order, the same was sent to different places in the universe. The purpose - to colonize the planet, which would be suitable for human life.

Space battles - it snaps mix, mingle, and role-play military and economic strategy. The player then has to be responsible for the colonization of the planet and create a real empire. Among other things. Players not only choose a planet to colonize, but also call them at its discretion.
Players will not feel bored, having at its disposal a whole planet. After all, here, have a lot of things. This construction of the buildings, which are essential, for example, solar power plants and mines to extract the necessary resources. The player can even turn an ordinary human colony center of a new space empire.

Building on our planet, the player must keep in mind that the laboratory should be an essential building. Because he is in it, scientists will take on the invention of new technologies, the creation of a super powerful engines for the fleet of space players, and for the development of robots and more.
Of course, according to the genre of the game, it will find a place and the spectacular space battles. Although you to try out in the battle, first need to develop the infrastructure to the desired level of the planet, as well as create your own military space fleet.
Starting voynushku, do not forget about the defense. Need to strengthen their defenses, to enter into alliances with the rest of the game, to monitor the political and military situation in your game world. And then you are unlikely to win one!

By the way, hastened to take advantage of joint defense of the planet and the joint attack on the enemy. This is - an indisputable advantage in battle!

Source: eXGame


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