Gel hard drives - a new solution in hard disk drives

Gelevye vinchestery novoe reshenie v zhestkih diskah 956270
13 February 2013

In the Americas, Irvine for investors firmaHGST Western Digital (Hitachi Global Storage Technologies), which has the status of a subsidiary company Western Digital, showed another example of the hard drive, which sealed part is filled with helium gas.

The use of this gas has improved the technical and operational data drive. Air density is seven times more helium, resulting in quite seriously reduced the pressure on the driving plate and the entire mechanism that leads to the reduction of costs of electricity.

Power consumption of the hard drive, filled with gas, the assurance of HGST, less than 23% on discs filled with air. This decreases the distance between the plates, because the low density of the gas contributes to this.

And as a result, the standard 3.5-inch hard drive can fit more plates - seven of them against five in the standard. And this, more information on it. On top, helium - a good heat conductor, which means that the heat will be evenly and efficiently.

According to the manufacturer HGST, the crude effect in hard drive filled with an inert gas, a 43 percent increase relative to the air.
The start of production of helium drives manufacturer HGST charted at 2013god.

Source: newkomp


For review form


Poster: Alex4best, 19 February 2013 14:50:25

Согласен c Stns. Сам уже давно перешел на SSD диск. По сравнению с HDD - как небо и земля. Все грузится и открывается моментально, никаких тормозов. Страничка загрузки в WoW при телепортации в Даларан проходит за 2-3 сек!


Poster: Stns, 16 February 2013 22:12:55

Ха! В гонке за большими объёмами и другими характеристиками, они только сейчас вспомнили, что есть такой газ гелий! Во дают! И главное решили его применить уже тогда, когда винчестерам уже на смену есть другие накопители.

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