Perfect World: in the project want to spend a few contests once

Perfect world v proekte hotyat provesti neskolko konkursov srazu 790530
13 February 2013

The team introduced this popular MMORPG gaming community with the 4th issue of "ideal news." The main theme of the game in February - is, of course, another update "Renaissance dynasties" that the server got the other day. Producers of the project spoke about the main feature of the patch, with emphasis on their impact on the game. But with him, and then connected to the new competition PvP-mode "Battle of dynasties." All will witness the drawing tricked "Perfect PC." The creators of a couple of days to observe user activity. And the most successful and skilled player that will get a pleasant surprise.

And it is in these moments Perfect World players participate in the competition, announced in honor of St. Valentine. Hurry on February 14 to perform a special wedding assignment. Have gone? Can win the game priyatnenko souvenirs. If this is the job you will do all 7 days, which began on February 11, then you will be even more rich naborchik.

Well, the third contest will begin today, February 13. Guild members will have to answer questions about their favorite toy. Guild, whose members will give the most correct answers will get a wonderful prize to be shared by all of them. Plus, in an "ideal news" you will learn how to answer a series of questions of users, and so on.

Source: GamesMail


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MMOVOTE.RU - portal which includes a rating and the announcement of the popular online game servers: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2 and Aion.

Different from other weight ratings, the main:
- We do not sell the place and voice in our rating, as they are very difficult to cheat and we constantly monitor for this.
- Payout % of SMS per server to administrators.
- Instantly receive data through the vote callback script.
- We are always ready to listen to your ideas, suggestions and implement them as soon as possible.

All servers are added to our portal, from compulsory moderation.

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