Windows 8 is trying to dial adaptation to users.

Windows 8 pytaetsya nabrat adaptatsiyu sredi polzovateley 468070
13 February 2013

Warm reception Windows 8 could end abruptly. Judging by the last post from the company Net Applications, which monitors the usage percentage of operating systems (OS).

Level of adaptation to January 2013 the latest operating system from Microsoft Windows 8 was 2.26 percent as opposed to the month of December, where it was only 1.6 percent. But adaptation of the new system Windows 8 is much lower than Windows 7.

Windows 7 in just two weeks after its release was adapted to 4 percent. But, as stated Microsoft, Windows 8 is not going to give up and will soon reach the same 4 percent adaptation, whereas a failed Windows Vista, it took seven months.

Windows 8 continues to not equal fight with Windows 7, in fact it has brought great success of Microsoft and most people still do not want to upgrade to a new operating system (OS).

The most popular operating system today is Windows 7, which has a 44.48 percent stake, on Windows XP comes with a 39.51 percent stake. Next is following other operating systems from Apple and older Windows.

Source: hosoft


For review form


Poster: Alex4best, 19 February 2013 14:55:13

В восьмерке сделали интерфейс как в смартфоне! И нафига он нужен в ноутбуке? Получилась та же семерка, только с извращенным меню Пуск, которое многим пользователям банально непривычно и неудобно.


Poster: azag89, 19 February 2013 05:18:09

Восьмерка недоработанное дерьмо.

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