Description of the game Seafight

Opisanie igry seafight 939691
12 February 2013

Since you're reading this, then you are - romantic, dreaming of adventures at sea, the great battles of water and just about life pirates. So, just for you company Bigpoint and created a chance - a dip in the fresh sea breeze of the new browser Seafight toys.

To your ship attacked by pirates. Once everything was looted, you wake up in the fighting spirit. To the team brave soldiers, you are on the last money to acquire the ship. A adlshe? Next - forward, sea space and to unknown adventures. Seafight players in the world will participate in marine voynushka and terribly interesting adventures. For the title of the seaman in the game you will have to work hard. It's - not easy! Around you as much real players who would also like to seize this honorable status.

In short, develop first, and at this given day, his ship. At this point you are invulnerable, for you no soul attack. After all, you are almost without arms. And if you decide to attack someone from rivals, then forget about this idea, otherwise you will be swept away by ninety percent. Do not pick a fight, let your boat enough to prepare.

In this game of two currencies. Gold - the main in-game currency, and it will allow you to buy everything from the ship and ending the team. Well, for pearls you buy additional improvements ship obzavedetes and exclusive gear. Buy a premium account. This is where it will enjoy a comfortable game!
In Seafight created guild. To join them in treasury any of them to pay 50 000 gold. After that, you will have protection from the rest of the pirates, and get support in the passage of the pirate test.

Developers once a month held a drawing among players guilds - to 5 000, and among the buccaneers single - up to 10 000. You have decided to break the main jackpot pirate test? Then take the trouble to collect the euro, which is found on the sunken ships, and in the chest, well, appearing in unexpected places. A key battle for the award goes to the last Sunday of each month. The final battle is about 6i hours, during which time the player must be reserved by the largest possible number of points, climb higher rating - the guild or soy.

Know that the battle for treasure in Seafight close and would not let the pirates and newcomers zheltopuzyh beginners. In this contest you can participate after the sixth level.

Source: eXGamer


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