Aion: Valentine's Day for the players have prepared some surprises

Aion ko dnyu vlyublennyh dlya igrokov prigotovili ryad syurprizov 413349
12 February 2013

The game constantly there any bright event. So this time, on the eve of Valentine's Day, each user can open the project on all Atreyu talk about your feelings! The creators have come up with as many as two of the contest for those who dare to confess his feelings, this Declaration of love and romantic song.

Lovers Daeva in the first contest can write to the address of his chosen romantic message. In the second task a little different. You need to take a screenshot of your character and your loved one in an unusual setting. Putting it together and your significant other with a photograph taken in the real world, in a special photo album. Incidentally, the posture should copy the one on the screenshot! This song is published in JavaScript. All the details about both contests - on the website of the game.

Of course, what the contest without prizes! The winners will get original costumes in leopard style. The authors of the most endearing and interesting compositions have a unique opportunity - 1 February 4 to declare all of his feelings. In addition, the winners will have the chance to choose or promotion, or a wedding ritual in the game. All dates and other details will be discussed, of course, individually.

Source: mmolenta


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