Allods Online: progressive download in

Allody onlayn progressivnaya zagruzka v rabote 93959
11 February 2013

The development team of this popular MMORPG game reported the appearance in the project of progressive updates. That is, players can now enter into a project without waiting for the download is complete, and the update. As reported on the official website of Allods Online, you can enter the game and do what you wanted. Just until they can not take advantage of new content.

Update pumped is set in the background. And players can watch all this action in the launcher. You need only look into a new single indicator - Load data files. On this indicator, the current regime. Say, a red line reports about the preparation for the upgrade, you can not run the game, gray stripes give us information about the files available for download, the yellow stripe - is to download the basic data, the continuation of the other download, you can play in this process. If you see a green strip, the question of uploading files, high-resolution textures. If not strip the files already downloaded.

At the moment, new, functioning through a background version of Game Center built into the game, running under test. Therefore, the developers recommend if you have any problems please contact our support play.

Source: SuperMMO


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