«Star Wars»: Obsidian create yet another project based on the game

Zvezdnye voyny obsidian sozdast esche odni proekt po motivam igry 981490
11 February 2013

Once the studio Obsidian Entertainment has managed to get in a cohort of well-known developers through part 2 of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Now the team gathered to return to a distant galaxy. But in her new RPG-project. According to the head of the studio of F. Urquhart, the game should be one of the three projects in the history of naikrupneyshih Obsidian. It all goes in a different period of history - namely, between 3 and 4 episodes of "Star Wars."

Urquhart believes this segment is very interesting due to the fall of the Republic, the destruction of the Jedi Order. In general, the existing gap between the episodes to something so complete, so it was interesting. And Chris Avellone able to sketch a super cool script. Chapter Obsidian says that attracted them, and the fact that this period resembles a number of memorable moments, and they need to back up a specific scene. Perhaps the creators of the project even depart entirely from the events of the film. Limited only by the mention of them.

And what about the fact that now the rules of the universe of "Star Wars" is endowed with a Disney? According to Urquhart, it will not affect significantly the development of the game, and they will defend their positions. We are talking about one of the three projects naikrupneyshih studio. Writing the plot and characters, they sent them to LucasArts, where on the same day they were told that everything's cool. Leading the way - meeting and discuss joint plans.

Source: GamesMail


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