And the rumors are true. The new video card from NVIDIA GTX 660 model SE.

I sluhi byvayut pravdoy novaya videokarta ot nvidia modeli gtx 660 se 335940
10 February 2013

Four years ago, the Internet rumors about a new video card from NVIDIA, not long ago there was an official information about it on one of the Chinese portals and not strange rumors were true. Information appears in the form of the results of testing of the new GTX 660 video card model SE, which was installed graphics chipset brand GK106-250.

This new card will be the last in a family of video cards of Kepler. This video card model GTX 660 SE carries 768 kernels CUDA, 24 basic units for raster operations, supported by 190-bit interface.

Graphics core graphics card GTX650 SE has a frequency equal to 930Mhz. Internal memory card has a bus GDDR5, which amounts to 2GB at a frequency equal to 5800Mhz. For this card will need extra food in the form of 6ti pin connector from the power supply.

Testing of this card has shown that it is superior to the video card model GTX 650 Ti by 25%, and the model GTX 660 by 15%.

There are suggestions that the release of the video card model GTX 660 SE will be held in January 2013, the price of this card will be more than $ 200.

Source: THG


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