Thumb assassin s creed 4 nad proektom trudyatsya neskolko studiy 309298
From Ubisoft has received new details about Action Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. Toy developing since 2011 and is engaged in the employee eight studios, however, are largely responsible for the design professionals from Ubisoft Montreal. Online game created for the PC, console generations - the current and next. But if in the end of October on sale editions for PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii U, then the owners of the other platforms, maybe have to wait even longer. The owners...
Thumb ideapadlenovoyoga 13 yog v chetyreh stabilnyh ploskostyah 390129
Not long ago, Lenovo showed IdeaPadYoga 13 ultrabook can be transformed into any of four positions. With a touch screen and the ability to rotate 360 ​​degrees, this device can be either a tablet or a laptop. In the form factor of a laptop two hinged bracket securely hold 13.3dyuymavy monitor upright. It is possible to turn the monitor as to itself and to the outside. If you switch to monitor the state of the tablet falls to the bottom of...
Thumb novaya igra apocalypse 2056 460226
New free MMORPG toy will appeal to all who prefer postapokalipsicheskuyu romance and cyberpunk. Before us - the toy browser, and therefore to be in a harsh world postapokalipsisa, let's just check in. By the way, the graphics Apocalypse 2056 in general, detailing the characters in general, both for the project, performed on a technology "flash" staggering. Gamers are getting to know the storyline, learn about one of the alternative versions of the future of the planet. In short, all of...
Thumb origins of malu beta test startuet v svoe vremya 668173
The company Burning Dog suddenly having trouble in working on this science fantasy draft. But the creators of Origins of Malu optimistic in terms of the start of beta testing toys. Initially, it was promised for March 30. Then he promised to defer to the second half of April. But Pipeline razrulili all problems, and because the beta will start exactly as promised, on the penultimate day of the month. By the way, March is very fruitful in terms of BT,...
Thumb runescape 20 tysyach botov v igre ushli v ban 603818
Developer fэntezyynoy brauzerky RuneScape, kotoruyu davnыm ago already pochytayut for one of the most populyarnыh MMO to light, bring order reshyly Own project. And What is it? This they poluchylos. And not just Excellent and roskoshno! Judge same - lysh one night "ohotы" on hytrыh zolotodobыtchykov in the game brought more than 20,000 zabanennыh akkauntov. Such a moschnыy raid team sovershyla, prybehnuv rolled Help Novaya prog - RuneScape Botwatch. S ee pomoshchju managed to find, except bots, and Massa tech gamers...
Thumb world of darkness online igru pokazhut na fanfest 104366
You remember, kak in October 2011 SUMMARY SSR gatherings on sokraschenye svыshe of 100 collaborators of American podrazdelenyya include rabotavshyh of the World of Darkness Online. Nothing ostavalos fans and cult settynha and rolevoy system, kak zaunыvat krepko. Team CREATOR zaveryala, that No one zakroet project. Mol, oboshlys only themes, that just ysklyuchyly ego of the immediate priorities of. But These words in the language translates into mutnыy business oznachayut Miscellaneous things. CSE azartnыy people and fell in pessymyzm. But, sort...
Thumb world of warcraft priklyucheniya v pandarii podhodyat k zaversheniyu 919621
In an interview, lead designer of the popular project quests Dave Kosak told about what the game will be in the near future. It turns out that the point in the history of Pandarus should put the main novelty - update 5.2, now undergoing testing on the test server project.   WoW fans rejoice new adventure plot, with 12 giant raid bosses, many different variations of the game mechanics. Finally have the opportunity to live pandarenov alone - the continent after...
Thumb pervyy v mire shirokoformatnyy domashniy kinoteatr 183796
Meet - a new offer on the market of mobile computing giant elektroniki TOSHIBA, ultrabook SatelliteU840W. This device - the world that has the aspect ratio of the monitor 21/9. Engineers - probably a fan of movies at nositelyahBlu-Ray high quality and resolution, and therefore decided to create a device for excellent view this content. In this wonderful monitor work well with documents, because you can open several pages. And on the Internet, he did very well. The housing is made...
Thumb dragon nest podvedeny itogi konkursa zolotye ruki 547199
As fans will recall toys online Dragon Nest, here recently the creators of this project have announced a competition for the title. And now we know, we have already defined winners of this exciting event. According to information from the administration of the project, its fans to the contest sent so many of his works, with excellent, they even went to the increase in the number of prizes. By the way, you have to remember, according to the contest "Golden Hands",...

About the project

MMOVOTE.RU - portal which includes a rating and the announcement of the popular online game servers: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2 and Aion.

Different from other weight ratings, the main:
- We do not sell the place and voice in our rating, as they are very difficult to cheat and we constantly monitor for this.
- Payout % of SMS per server to administrators.
- Instantly receive data through the vote callback script.
- We are always ready to listen to your ideas, suggestions and implement them as soon as possible.

All servers are added to our portal, from compulsory moderation.

Our rating will help you find the perfect server for a variety of criteria, such as chronicles server rates the players score, feedback on the project and place in the ratings.

In the ranking, and the announcement involves only active resources, closed or inactive resources will be removed monthly, cleaning after resetting the votes.