Thumb diablo3 igroki proveli v igre okolo treh milliardov chasov 99846
Blizzard has graduated from the celebration of the first anniversary of the game, published a very interesting and impressive statistics of the project. It was learned that Diablo 3 today already tested 14.5 million players in total they spent in their favorite game 2.8 billion hours, that is, everyone - from 193 hours. Each day, the project returns 2.1 million people, the man who played it yet 930 years, or 8.2 million hours. In just one year the players have created...
Thumb dawngate 24 maya nachinaetsya beta test moba igry 188456
On a site the other day there was a video interview in which developers MOBA-games Dawngate talked about some of the features of the genre, which pleased their uniqueness. As for the basics of the game, it is quite common. Two squads of players, heroes, characters supported by computer-controlled characters in winning back the key points on the map. But this concept Dawngate added economy. Each team will own a number of sources, resources, and special NPC, extracting those resources. More...
Thumb archeage koreyskaya versiya igry stanet uslovno besplatnoy 828466
It is quite possible that this will be so. Because such information appeared on a website, citing an unnamed source. On the basis of these rumors, the Korean version of the MMORPG this summer can become a free trial. The gaming community has been waiting for the official announcement in June. ArcheAge launched only in January of this year. But it is in Korean computer clubs have already entered the top five naipopulyarneyshih toys, as in the Korean top 10 multiplayer...
Thumb age of conan lyubimaya igra millionov spravlyaet 5 y den rozhdeniya 504197
In Funcom shared information about what will be celebrations for the anniversary game, which begins today. All of us are waiting for the coming of the mass is all the monsters on the scene. Every day will end with attacks of the bosses, the final event will force to war once already with five villains. For all participants prepared a great battle honors. And what a birthday without gifts! Will give players free access for a week in Khitai, a high-level...
Thumb novaya igra botva onlayn 656540
In front of us - a rare representative of the browser humorous games for recreation, Russian multiplayer online game, equipped with RPG elements and strategies of Destiny Development. I must say that this game studio and engaged in the development, and localization projects Labyrinth and Weapons Of The Gods. To play topper line, no need to download large customers - just any browser, and any low-power computer. By the way! The project is scheduled for the nice and easy interface was...
Thumb lost paradise igra vyshla na rossiyskom analoge kikstartera 314803
And again - loudly about himself declares team Lost Paradise game. The game released on the Russian analogue of American Kick, plus all called to gather finances for the new look. This can be regarded as a step? Not only as the first echoes of the long-anticipated release! According to our information, it will be the first major game project in Bumstartere with a similar budget. As a reward will be offered an alluring features, among them the players will see...
Thumb sensornye noutbuki dolya ustroystv prodolzhaet uverennyy rost 231734
Contrary to the difficulties progressing Windows 8, according to market experts, the share of laptops with a 10 inch diagonal and equipped with capacitive touchscreen, is growing rapidly and steadily. Thus, the results of I quarter of 2013, according to one of the research agencies showed that the market earned 4.57 million laptops with touch screens, but this is by 51.8 percent more than in the previous quarter. Given the fact that during that time have sold 46 million laptops, 10...
Thumb lineage2 novye figurki v igre 788815
Not so long ago, manufacturers of collectible figurines from Japan Max Factory produced a couple of new figures, having made them out of PVC (so-called vinyl). Their height - 255millimetra, and the cost - about 121 U.S. dollars. Output models of dark and light elf is scheduled for September and the month of June, respectively. By the way, another model presented in the 2013 Winter Hobby Maker Product Exhibition. But it still has not yet been shown in the finished (ie...
Thumb guild wars arenanet ne budet razvivat originalnuyu igru 55126
Representatives of ArenaNet made an official statement that they stopped developing the first part of Guild Wars and additions to the project. That is, the creators will no longer lead the development of major upgrades and patches, but the game servers will continue to function. As for the critical errors, they did fix. Other words, fans can continue to play indefinitely. As you may recall, the output of the original Guild Wars took place in April 2005 over this MMORP-toy worked...

About the project

MMOVOTE.RU - portal which includes a rating and the announcement of the popular online game servers: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2 and Aion.

Different from other weight ratings, the main:
- We do not sell the place and voice in our rating, as they are very difficult to cheat and we constantly monitor for this.
- Payout % of SMS per server to administrators.
- Instantly receive data through the vote callback script.
- We are always ready to listen to your ideas, suggestions and implement them as soon as possible.

All servers are added to our portal, from compulsory moderation.

Our rating will help you find the perfect server for a variety of criteria, such as chronicles server rates the players score, feedback on the project and place in the ratings.

In the ranking, and the announcement involves only active resources, closed or inactive resources will be removed monthly, cleaning after resetting the votes.